The Centre’s work is funded predominantly by charitable donation through the Moghissi Laser Trust (a registered charity, No: 326689). There is more information about the Trust on our Donations page.

A great deal has been achieved over the last 25 years demonstrating the pioneering nature of the research and treatment carried out which has earned the Centre its international reputation at the forefront of the medical uses of lasers in treating cancer and other significant conditions:

  • Estimated around 4,000 laser treatments had been performed and evaluated
  • Developed the use of thermal lasers via optical fibre to ‘evaporate’ tumours
  • First use in Europe of thermal laser to excise a tumour
  • Refined the use of lasers in inter-operative treatments
  • Pioneered Photodynamic Therapy PDT: laser used in combination with a light sensitive drug
  • First combined use of thermal and PDT laser treatment in broncho-pulmonary and oesophageal cancer with highly effective results
  • Established as UK and international training centre for PDT
  • Introduced mobile unit concept to support laser treatment at other hospitals
  • Developed laser photo-detection PD: Advanced warning of abnormal tissue
  • Pioneering combination of PD with PDT to treat abnormal tissue early, remove it effectively and detect and treat any recurrence quickly
  • Partnership agreement with NHS through hospital trust supports further development and facilitates health service access to treatment and expertise
  • Growing number of laser treatments approved by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

Photodynamic Therapy PDT has been one of the most significant developments, particularly in the treatment of certain cancers. In the trachea, bronchus and oesophagus application by optical fibre introduced via the mouth avoids major invasive surgery. Patients are treated as day cases without an overnight stay. PDT is also being used successfully in the treatment of certain skin cancers and to alleviate the effects of secondary tumours in breast cancer.

PDT uses lasers in combination with a photosensitive drug to provide a highly targeted treatment. It can be used in combination with traditional cancer treatments such as radio- and chemo-therapy, or in some instances may be the primary treatment, thus avoiding some of the more unpleasant side-effects of more aggressive and less targeted treatments. Work continues to refine and improve PDT and expand its use in more parts of the body, and in combination with Photo-detection to ensure timely and thorough interventions. A growing number of PDT treatments are now approved by the National Centre for Health and Clinical Excellence following the work undertaken by the Centre.


The Centre's Clinical Director, Prof Moghissi, is regarded as one of the world's leading experts in laser medicine and holds a significant number of senior positions on professional bodies, committees and publications.


The Centre’s honorary consultants and associates are providing treatments with a range of lasers to treat cancers and a number of other conditions in:

  • Bronchus (lung)
  • oesophagus
  • urological tract
  • gynaecology
  • dermatology
  • ophthalmology
  • head & neck cancers
  • secondary breast cancer
  • general surgery