How you can support the Centre:
You can make donations to the Moghissi Laser Trust which funds the work of the Centre through our page at Just Giving, download a Direct Mandate to make a monthly donation or donate via a Legacy Form.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer the charity can benefit from a tax rebate on your donation. This can be done on-line via Just Giving, or if you are sending a cheque independently please download a form here: Gift Aid Form.
The Charity and Funding Requirements:
Fundraising is undertaken by the Moghissi Laser Trust – a registered charity, No: 326689 – which works towards achieving its aims predominantly through the work of this Centre. It was established in 1984 to develop the use of lasers in medical applications within the chest to treat cancer and alleviate suffering from life threatening conditions. The Trust has subsequently expanded its work geographically and to develop treatment for other parts of the body.
Its primary objectives are:
- To fund clinical and scientific research into new and effective medical laser treatments for cancer and other conditions where appropriate
- To continually develop and improve medical laser techniques such as photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photo-diagnosis (PD) to benefit patients
- To spread the benefits created through the provision of training and disseminating advances at medical conferences and in scientific papers and publications
Funding can be provided to cover both capital and revenue costs.
Funding helps the Centre to not only provide ongoing treatment and training, but also to undertake specific research projects. Its day-to-day work with patients requires around £70,000 per annum to maintain the lasers and specialist equipment, including the mobile unit, together with the medical expertise and support which is essential for its efficient operation.
Major pieces of equipment need replacing and updating frequently: for example, a replacement ‘YAG’ thermal laser will soon be required, probably at a cost in the region of £40,000
Project First Light – Second Phase: The Moghissi Laser Trust has just funded a replacement ‘Xillix’ laser at the Centre at an approximate cost of £60,000. This has enabled the continuation of invaluable detection work to be conducted alongside PDT. However, this new equipment also makes it possible to launch a second phase of the Centre’s ‘Project First Light’ to conduct further early detection studies of high risk groups. This will require around £50,000 of funding to go ahead. A further more complex research project using PD with PDT treatments is being developed which will need funding in excess of £100,000
More details of these and further research projects will be posted here as they become available